Monday, January 29, 2007

Phoenix Submission #3 - Final products

Summerville. SC.

A 1 million gallon tank Phoenix built that is only half done in this picture.

Scottsburg. IN.

Phoenix built this one about two years ago. Notice the peaked roof. This is a specialty tank. 500,000 gallons. I will get better pictures of this one, because Scottsburg is where I [Keith] get most of my tattoos.

Chehalis. WA.

This is a 500,000 gallon water tower built for a glass factory. One clear day, I [Keith] saw Mt. Rainer, Mt. St. Helen, and Mt. Hood in Oregon from the top of the tank.

Sunrise from the top. Not a bad job!

Phoenix Submission #2 - Tower Parts


Fitting steel

Inside the tank

This picture makes me sick to my stomach. There is no way I could go up a water tower!

Phoenix Submission #1 - The Family Business

I got lots of cool pictures from my buddy, Keith (picture to left), with Phoenix Water Towers.

Eddie, Neighbor of Uncle

Zak Apel, Friend of Cousin

I must say I love this guy's name. Do you think he would let me use it as my Roller Derby name?

Greg, Cousin

Dr. Tony, Cousin
Not sure what he is a doctor of, but he only works on water towers part time.

Ronnie, Uncle and Twin to Donnie

A "funny" man.

Donnie, Uncle and Twin to Ronnie

A "goofy" man.

Sounds like a wild family. Mary Katherine there might be a good story here!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Work Trip #13 - Brunswick County, January 26, 2007

Brunswick County. NC.

I headed out early (see how the sun was rising) to meet some folks in Brunswick County for a site visit and focus group discussion.

Southport. NC.

I ate lunch in Southport near the Cape Fear River. What a cute little town.

See the light house way out there? It was a beautiful day in January to be near the water. After lunch my visit got even better . . .

Ready? Do you like the suspense? Well, I was headed out of town and saw a sign for a recycling site. I took a right to go into the site and there was . . .

. . . A water tower being built right next to the recycling site.

I immediately got out of my car and started taking pictures. Then a few of the guys working on the water tower came to talk with me. I learned so much. Did you know it takes them 2 months to erect the tower? All of the material is made at a facility in IL and they ship it here where it is welded together. This tower being built with multiple legs is cheaper to build than one with just one leg (like Cary).

The guys work for Phoenix, a family owned company. They told me if I came back in a few weeks I could go up the tower. I don't think my nerves would allow me.

This one is WILD

Rosemont. IL.

Thanks to Ryan for this post. I think this one has moved to the top of my list. I have no idea what is hanging off of it but it looks WILD.

"We were there for a wedding in July. We went for a walk and spotted this tower. In keeping with your tradition, we ate at the McDonalds right below it. The McDonald's and the watertower shared the same parking lot."

Around the corner from my house

Cary. NC.

Peaking over the trees is half a water tower.

This new water tower being built was spotted by Bianca and Wayne. They live near downtown Cary like us but on the "other side of the tracks" :) I really need to start that letter writing campaign now to make sure this is painted with something cool. I mean it is right down the street from me.

What a great sunset!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Work Trip #11 & 12 - Wilson and Pitt Counties - January 2007

Wilson. NC.

I must admit that I didn't take these pictures this month, but did visit both of these places in January for work. No exciting stories to go with them.

Pitt County. Farmville. NC.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Big Apple - Maybe it should be called Water Tower Country

NYC. NY. Hotel near Times Square.

Mel got to visit New York City and guess what was outside of her hotel room window?

Read some of these great articles about NYC water towers.

Web site dedicated to NYC water towers.
NYC water tower workers union.
Water tower article from BBC.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Check out these FL towers!

These are from my buddy Darin - Not "jazzy" towers but the stories are good so they are worthy of a blog post!

Sarasota. FL.
This tower is just south of the Sarasota Bradenton Airport, and is in a place called "North Water Tower Park". It's a frisbee golf course with a water tower in it. When I went out to take the pics, the only other person around was a woman in pajamas walking her dog. She was ahead of me, and I guess I appeared to be following her into the park with a camera. I suspect that stopping to take pictures of a water tower looked pretty phony.

I affectionately call this tower the The People's Revolutionary Water Tower number 185. It's a boring monstrosity that sits off of I-75, just south of exit 213. I exited at exit 210 and found my way up to it, and noticed that it's right next to a municipal plant of some kind. By the smell, I'm guessing that it was a sewage plant. I'm trying not to think about possible connections to the water tower.

Gainsville. FL.
Here are a couple of poor pics of a water tower in Gainesville. This was in an unprosperous part of town at nightfall, so I didn't dawdle to get better pics.

Redneck Dream Home

Thanks Uncle Linn!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Another peach? Why not an apple or lemon?

Clanton. AL.

Who would have thought that there would be 2 peach water towers in the US? I guess the artist that created them is bringing in the dough (or peach fuzz!).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Roller Girl Names - Update 1

The votes are in. Check out what won below.

Nebraskan Assassin - 7 votes
Petroleum Kelley - 5 votes
Keller Instinct - 5 votes

De La Roll - 2 votes
However, I was talking with some of the other girls about these names. They usually shorten them to a nickname and I was told that Nebraskan Assassin would be shortened to A**. Also there is a girl in the league called Marcy Killer which is kind of close to Keller Instinct.

With my email to friends and family I got some new ideas (some of which I have edited):
Compactor Kelley
PB & Kelley - My number could be 8/28
Den of Lies
Corn Husker Kelley

Then I got to thinking I might not want a name with Kelley in it. So what do you think about these?
Enya Environment - My number could be 4/22
Non-Dairy Queen - My number could be 2%
Dee Compose

We are thinking Owen's name could be "Sponge Worthy". Any Seinfeld fans out there?

This short video shows all the hard work that goes into each bout.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

King Arthur's Court

King. NC.

Just in case you were wondering - I couldn't find a town in NC called Queen, Prince or Princess. Looks like an economic developers dream is waiting to be discovered near King. You could create small villages around King and the whole region could be called Arthurs Court or something catchy like that.

The area near King is very pretty with Pilot Mountain and Hanging Rock State Parks a short distance away.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Kelley's LASIK Surgery

Hi, this is Owen. I am guest-posting for Kelley while she recovers her eyesight. The reason for this is she had LASIK surgery on both eyes on Tuesday. She had been determined to have this done for some time now and the stars finally aligned in 2007. Her new job's flexible reimbursement account and health insurance made the procedure more affordable and we found some room in the budget to make it happen. Kelley has had problems with her contacts ever since I've known her and the glasses she'd been wearing had a bunch of scratches.

Although she really wanted to have the surgery done, Kelley grew terrified at the thought of going under the laser. I could tell she was nervous the day of the surgery, but she held it together pretty well as we waited in the doctor's office. Kelley was given 10 mg of valium, but she didn't think that it was making her more relaxed. Still she was ready when the nurse called her into the laser room.

For the next 30 minutes Kelley was a trembling, crying, lid-squeezing, nervous wreck. I got to watch through a window, but it was difficult to see her like that and be unable to help. The surgery on the right eye was fairly quick although she was crying and moaning the whole time. However, once that was done, I think Kelley decided that she'd had enough LASIK for one day and really put up a fight when they moved to the left eye. The first thing that the doctor has to do is remove a thin circular "flap" on the cornea so that they can use the laser to correct the eye's surface. To cut the flap, they use a small blade and it's kinda gross so I won't go into details, but they have to be able to keep the patient's eyelids completely open with a speculum. Well, this wasn't able to do the job because Kelley was squeezing her lids too strongly for it. So they decided to give her a shot of a novocaine to relax the eye muscles. This helped them get her eyelids to open, but she still struggled more while they worked on her left eye.

Kelley was taken to another room and after about 30 minutes or so she was able to calm down. I told her that it was okay to be scared because, honestly, it's a pretty frightening thing to go through. However, she was experiencing some pain in her left eye. She thought the protective contact that was in that eye may've been the culprit, but she also received the painful shot near that eye. Kelley was sent home wearing a nifty Bill Laimbeeresque mask to protect her eyes overnight.

The pain didn't improve and we had to call the doctor and meet him back at the office at 10:00 that night. Upon inspection, Kelley had an abrasion on the bottom of her eye that was causing the pain. This must've happened when they were cutting the flap on the left eye. So Kelley was sent home with some anesthetic drops to help with the pain. The next morning she woke up with good vision in her right eye, but very blurred vision in the left eye and still a lot of pain. That afternoon, during the follow-up appointment, the contact lens was removed and that also helped with the pain. Her vision was 20/25 in the right and 20/400 in the left.

The pain has gradually decreased, but the vision in her left eye has not really improved that much. And you can see the bruising on the left eye from the novocaine shot and muscle strain. Kelley is wearing an eye patch much of the time now. Just take a look at the little scallywag!
Her next doctor's appointment is Sunday at 7:00 which will mark her 5th visit to the office in 6 days. She's now wearing a contact that will hopefully help the eye heal. So that's the big news this week! Keep her in your thoughts; she definitely misses being able to communicate through her blog!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Other obsessions are art

Water tower pictures might be bad but here is a collector of chair pictures.
I must admit it is cool.