Sunday, January 28, 2007

This one is WILD

Rosemont. IL.

Thanks to Ryan for this post. I think this one has moved to the top of my list. I have no idea what is hanging off of it but it looks WILD.

"We were there for a wedding in July. We went for a walk and spotted this tower. In keeping with your tradition, we ate at the McDonalds right below it. The McDonald's and the watertower shared the same parking lot."


Anonymous said...

I guess it's supposed to be a rose.

Tankguy said...

The tank is actually in Rosemont IL. It is a hydrosphere design and it is painted like a rose. The first year it was painted it won the tank of the year award. The crazy rigging sticking out of the top are outriggers for a full containment system for a repaint. They weld arms on the top to raise big tarps to surround the tank while they are working so they don't get sand and paint on the surrounding cars and building.

Kelley Dennings said...

This was a water tower of year? Who runs this contest? How can I get involved?