Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Sunday

We spent our Easter Sunday in the car with the dogs looking for water towers.

Creedmore. NC.

We took highway 50 North to the town of Creedmore. Then turned left to go to Butner. Owen was facinated with this town. It is mostly owned by the State and Federal government.

Butner. NC.

We saw this water tower at the edge of town near a mental institution. We had the windows down since it was such a nice day and Millie fell out of the window when we pulled over to take this picture. She is such a trooper though. She came right to us after getting up off the ground and seemed fine.

Crazy girl Millie after jumping out of the car window.

Owen had read there was a federal prision in this town. These signs show there is much more than just one federal prision. See Owen pulled over to let me take the picture.

Butner. NC.

Across the street from the signs was this awesome old water tower. The door looks cracked. If only I could have gone in.

This sign is a construction sign for the new state phsyciatric hospital they are building in Butner. The current facility is in downtown Raleigh. A beautiful area next to NC State. Hopefully it will become a park.

Across the street from the old water tower was the water treatment plant. I had to take a picture since it seemed kind of scary. When I was taking this a puff of steam made a crazy noise from the building that almost made me pee my pants.

If you look closely this says "bleach".

Well we finally found the federal prision and they had a great hill with 2 water towers. I couldn't have asked for more. We now assume that we are on some FBI list since we passed by the prision a few times taking pictures from the car.

Driving back through Durham we tried to find historic Stagville and the town of Bahama. These locations didn't have water towers but this great water tower was at the Little River school.

It wasn't fensed in like so many other water towers so I was able to get right up close to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the vertical shot of the Little River School water tower.