Saturday, July 28, 2012

The town of Water Towers - Richmond, VA

Last Christmas on our way home from NC we stopped in Richmond, VA to explore their water towers. They have so many. I was drooling every time we drove through there. I was so happy when we took a couple hours to really explore and take pics of all the great locations. I think back fondly of that trip each time we have driven through their since.

Sonoco Paper Recycling Plant. Fitting, don't you think?

Lucky Strike. This is very similar to the one in Durham so I didn't crop it to be close up. Richmond is very much an old tobacco town.

Speaking of tobacco . . . Check out this great art deco building along with a water tower. This was a real find. You don't see it off the main interstate. We were just checking out the south side of town and found it. 

This says Southern Stove Works. The old factory building has been turned into a  set of condos. How cool would that be to have a condo with a water tower outside of it? Almost as good as my old view from my Elizabeth City apartment?

Interbake Foods. This tower was a cool find also. We had never seen it off the interstate. It made a good picture with the old building, the old sign and tower.  After a little research I find they make Girl Scout Cookies!! Richmond is their corporate headquarters.

UHaul. This you can see from the interstate. Not a bad billboard?

Towers by James River. Then we crossed the river and went to the east side of Richmond. Historically the black community. They have done some great renovations of different old factories into condos. Owen said this photo with the fence looked good so I've included it.

From top of hill. We of course had the dogs with us. We took them to a park at the top of a hill overlooking the James River. Trying to post these pics 6 months later, I don't remember the name of the park, but it had great views of all the water towers by the James River.

The park had a nice old photo from the 1900's showing the James River, the railroad, the factories and the water towers. Much hasn't really changed. 

As the sun set, we headed home.


Unknown said...

Re: Your top-of-the-hill looks to be taken from Chimborazo Park located in the historic Church Hill neighborhood. The park was once the location of a Civil War era hospital of the same name.

Kelley Dennings said...

Yes, I believe it was that neighborhood. It overlooks the river too.