Saturday, July 28, 2012

Work Trip - Recycle-Bowl award ceremonies - last stop TN - February 2012

As you may know, I administer a school recycling competition called Recycle-Bowl. In February 2012 I traveled for 11 days straight doing school recycling award ceremonies. Many days I was in and out and without a car. However, the last award ceremony in Franklin, TN allowed me to rent a car and visit my friend Bryn in Murfreesboro prior to the event. I have never seen a water tower like the one I saw in Murfreesboro. Check it out.

This thing was all concrete. It looked like something from space.

Franklin. TN.  I then headed to Franklin TN for the TN Recycling Coalition conference where we awarded  a school the TN Recycle-Bowl award. I will admit, it was one of my worst presentations ever. All the traveling had caught up with me and I was super sick (could barely talk). Not to mention I had lost my work computer, tried to mail myself my personal computer which Fed Ex lost so I was unhooked! Crazy, crazy trip.

I took a minute to drive through downtown Franklinton though and found this great old factory, and water tower, that had been restored to a bunch of shops.


Anonymous said...

Actually, i live in Murfreesboro and there are many such towers, just like this one! Really, i am not sure what they are and why this town needs so many. I am considering looking into this now. I saw one that was just built the other day. They had the whole thing completed except the top and it was just a huge pipe going straight up. On the top it had a hatch door, no tank, then they put the concave top on it. I suppose this town of about 30,000 people, has about 6 or more of them. I wonder who built them, the local water authority or the government, local or federal. What do they do?

Kelley Dennings said...

Sorry I didn't respond sooner to your comment. This blog is my hobby and it is a very sporadic hobby. Honestly, I have seen a lot of water towers and the ones in Murfreesboro are very unique. I have seen pictures of some like this in the middle east. It is funny that your town has so many. Wish I knew why also. If you find out let me know.