Sunday, January 29, 2012

Watertowers in New Orleans - Christmas 2010

For Christmas 2010, we went back to Louisiana with my family. This time we visited New Orleans. When we landed in Jefferson, LA at the airport a nice pretty watertower was waiting for us. We didn't rent a car so we didn't get around town much except when we took a Katrina aftermath bus tour. The following pictures were taken on that tour. It was really interesting and I was glad we did it. It was sad but good to see all the work being done to bring it back. We did Bourbon Street by my favorite spot was Frenchman Street. Make sure to go there to see the great local music.

Jefferson, LA

Power plant and watertower outside New Orleans, LA

Old tower on way to the 9th Ward

New water tower in 9th Ward

See all those watertowers in the New Orleans skyline

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