Sunday, January 11, 2009

Missouri Countryside

After the Missouri Recycling Conference was over we headed back to the Kansas City airport via highway 13.

Ozark. MO.

Tracker Boats.

I am assuming this is where they make these boats.

Bolivar. MO.

Lowry City. MO.

An old and new-ish water tower.

This post is a little backwards. My mom picked me up at KCI and we headed down highway 71 towards Branson. This was a great water tower drive. We found lots of great towers but were trying to stay ahead of a horrible tornado-creating storm so the pictures are kind-of dark.

Peculiar. MO.

I couldn't have asked for a better water tower to be in the town of Peculiar. This is a very strange looking tower.

Rich Hill. MO.

Nevada. MO.

There is a joke with this town's name but I just can't think of it right now.

Sheldon. MO.

I love this picture. Not only is the water tower cute but so was the little town and the back road that the tower was on.

Carthage. MO.

Mount Vernon. MO.

This town is just outside of Springfield where we spent the first night.

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