Sunday, May 06, 2007

190-foot tower raised for new water provider

Here is an article I got from Jason who spends his time skimming the papers for water tower articles just for me. Yeah Right!

Starting next year, part of Pitt County will draw from Neuse
By Amanda Karr
The Daily Reflector

Thursday, May 03, 2007


A tank raised Wednesday to the top of a new water tower off N.C. 11 in Ayden will hold 750,000 gallons of water.

Read the whole article here.

Greg Eans/The Daily Reflector
Workers from Caldwell Tank out of Louisville, Ky., work at the top of the 190-foot Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority water tower in Ayden Wednesday, preparing to put the 750,000-gallon tank in place.
Greg Eans/The Daily Reflector
A crew from Caldwell Tank out of Louisville, Ky., raise a 750,000-gallon tank to the top of the new Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority tower in Ayden on Wednesday morning.


whognu said...

That's pretty cool - interesting to see them pulling the bulbous part up the center like that.

Curious that there's a big door at the bottom. I wonder if they seal that shut before filling the tower, or if there is some central interior pipe that actually holds the water, and that door stays functional.

Kelley Dennings said...

Good question. I like water towers but really know nothing about their engineering.

M. Lail said...

Great post (as always). And thanks for linking to my blog!

whognu said...

Here's another blog you might enjoy: