We encountered our first water tower at the Mocksville exit off I-40. What a beautiful mix of color. The sky slightly cleared for good picture taking.
Do you see the other one in the background?
12/04-Driving from Columbia, MO to Raleigh, NC I noticed water towers in the distance, some from miles away. Most often they showed the town's name so you would know where you were without the map. I wish I started to take pictures on that trip, but the idea of logging H2O towers was only in its infancy. This blog came almost a year later when I realized I really enjoy taking the back road to find what neat H2O towers exist. Feel free to post a link or story about your town's local H2O tower.
I'm from Mocksville. Everyone I know detests that multicolored abomination of a water tower. To me it looks like it was painted with a spirograph. Mocksville deserves better design than something a four year old could have created.
holly cow, is this kelly, who used to date Jamie?
This is Andrew (butt) remember me?
Andrew- It is me. Email me at kdennings@gmail.com.
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