Look at what I found in Pittsboro NC.
This is a shout-out to all my old Lorax Environmental Club peeps from NC State University.

This is an old mill that has been turned into a coop grocery store in Pittsboro, NC.

This might look familiar to Meredith since she used to live across the street from it when she went to UNC.
I stopped for lunch at the Village Pizza and Pasta in Cole Park Plaza. The funny thing is the address for Village Pizza is "Chapel Hill", but I know it was over the Chatham County line so I am not sure how to categorize this one.
Can you tell it was a horrible rainy day.
Lorax, huh?
Were you at the new Piedmont Biofuels plant?
I was! I guess you have been there also.
I haven't been to the new facility, but I'm on their listserv, and recognized the street name.
Love it!
-old Loraxer :)
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