Sunday, July 09, 2006

10 things I want to do this summer

I just want to say I am sorry that your comments have not been showing on my blog over the last couple of months. I changed my settings somehow and all the comments were sitting somewhere waiting for my approval and I didn't know it. But I think all is straight now.

When I visited Casey in NE in April she recommended we put a list of 10 things we want to do this summer on our blog. So here is my list even though the summer is kind-of half over:
1) Go to the beach - Plan to go to the outer banks in a couple of weeks with my cousins. Should get some new water tower pics along the way.
2) Apply for my project management certification - I really need to buckle down and do this.
3) Go contra dancing
4) Paint my yoga room
5) Read - I have been regularly going to the library which I have not done since I was probably 10. For those folks that like to shop but can't afford it, go to the library!
6) Learn one new recipe - I have been excelling at this. I have been cooking lots of new things.
7) Try out for the Carolina RollerGirls Roller Derby - Wish me luck. Tryouts are July 31.
8) Write an article on a historic water tower for the NC Division of Historical Resources.
9) Work with the dogs to feel comfortable at the dog park
10) Live in the present moment and not obsess about the past and plan too much for the future.

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