Monday, October 31, 2005

A B-Day Gift from Roy

Wake County Water Tower #3

Knightdale. NC.

This water tower is located off the new Highway 64 By-Pass.

My buddy Roy, at work, thought to stop and take a picture of it while hunting down illegal dumpers.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Old School Pic Of My Childhood Water Tower

Elkhorn. NE.
Circa August 1987.

If I remember correctly there is also an elk head painted on one side of this tower. Thanks for sending the picture Aunt Sue!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

One of the most creative towers in Wake

Wake County Water Tower #2

Zebulon. NC

This summer Owen wore the Can Guy costume and threw out the first pitch at a AA Carolina Mudcat baseball game.

The Ugliest Dog

Q-Tip is a contestant in a local newspaper's ugliest dog contest. His picture is the top right. He looks much better now that his hair has been cut and his eye goop is cleaned up. Hopefully he will win and get to spend $50 at Pet Smart.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My blogger mentor

Louisville. NE.

My friend Casey, from NE where I grew up, took this water tower picture for me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Drive to baby shower

Colonial Heights. VA.

On our way to Emily's Baby Shower in Columbia, MD we stopped at this exit in VA to get gas, a root beer and chewy runts.

Chesterfield County. VA.

This picture was taken last year. On this trip to Maryland the water tower remained but the RAMAAD (misspelled RAMADA) hotel sign had been taken down.

Emily got lots of help opening her presents from her sister in-law's niece. She was also very diligent about throwing all the wrapping paper away in Mo's trash bag.

Washington. DC.

We saw this water tower on I-495 going around DC on our return trip home.

Richmond. VA.

1 - This water tower was in historic downtown Richmond near the canal.

There was a beautiful canal walk near the flood wall.

2 - Sonoco is a paper recycling end market. We ran across their facility on a back road in Richmond.

3 - Philip Morris is headquartered in Richmond. I unfortunately cut off the top of this Lucky Strike water tower picture.

Wake County Water Tower #1
Wake Forest. NC.

We saw a beautiful sunset on our way home over a company's private water tower in Wake Forest.